The PSLV C37 mission, scheduled for February 15, will deploy 104 satellites into a polar Sun-synchronous orbit around Earth.
The PSLV C37 mission, scheduled for February 15, will deploy a remarkable 104 satellites into a polar Sun-synchronous orbit around Earth. Among them are India’s first nanosatellites, the fourth satellite of the Cartosat 2 series and American company Planet’s fleet of 88 Earth-imaging Doves. ISRO chief A.S. Kiran Kumar has said the organisation is not gunning for records as much trying to keep spending down by utilising the PSLV’s full potential to launch as many satellites as possible at a time. The launch will take place at Sriharikota at 9:28 am, and the PSLV will (attempt to) lift off in its XL configuration – i.e. with six solid-fuel strap-on boosters for additional heft.