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Comic: COVID-19 Inspires Rethink of How We Design, Use Our Built Environments

Comic: COVID-19 Inspires Rethink of How We Design, Use Our Built Environments

Photo: Sanyam Bahga/Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA 3.0.

Also read: In Goa, Disease, Discrimination and COVID-19 in the Afterlife of AIDS

This piece was produced in cooperation with The Nib.

Greg Miller is a science journalist based in Portland, Oregon. Follow him on Twitter @dosmonos.

Joyce Rice is a cartoonist, news designer and professor making comics about history, technology and the future. She has worked with outlets like The Nib, Vox and PBS, and she speaks internationally about the power of comics in news media, advocacy and education. You can see more of her work at

This article originally appeared in Knowable Magazine, an independent journalistic endeavour from Annual Reviews.

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