More than 370 Indian scientists and academics have written a letter to Jagadesh Kumar, the vice-chancellor of Jawaharlal Nehru University, expressing their dismay at the events that have played out on the institutions campus for over a week now. In the letter, the signatories express their “deep disappointment” with the actions of Kumar and call on him to take “urgent corrective steps to ensure that the police releases the arrested students, and also to ensure that it drops the unsubstantiated charges against them.” The list of signatories includes hundreds of scientists, including many eminent ones from the leading scientific institutions in the country. The fact that so many members of what is otherwise an apolitical community signed this letter within about 24 hours indicates the level of outrage that these events have generated. –Suvrat Raju
The full text and list of signatories follows.
Dear Prof. Jagadesh Kumar,
We are writing, as a group of academics, to express our deep disappointment with your actions in the events leading up to the arrest and detention of several students last week.
We understand that last Tuesday, a student group organised a rally to commemorate the death anniversary of Afzal Guru. The police alleges that some of the students voiced controversial opinions. The police then proceeded to arrest the president of the JNU Students Union, Kanhaiya Kumar, and charged him with sedition. This has been followed by a number of further detentions. What is most disturbing is that the JNU administration appears to have defended and aided these repressive actions by the police, rather than defending the students who were involved in a non-violent activity.
The arrest of the president of the JNUSU is especially troublesome since he was not even an organiser of the rally but merely present to express his solidarity. However, even as far the organisers and the speakers at the event are concerned, we hope that you recognise that expressing controversial views in a peaceful forum cannot be equated with sedition. For example, many people believe that Afzal Guru was let down by a lack of appropriate legal representation in his trial, and that his execution was therefore a grave miscarriage of justice. One may agree or disagree with this viewpoint — and, indeed, signatories to this letter hold different positions — but we are unanimous that students should have the right to freely discuss this issue. This is such a basic pillar of academic ethics that we were dismayed by the statement made by the registrar of JNU, Mr. Bupinder Zutshi, who reportedly said, “The government of India hanged him [Afzal Guru] after declaring him a terrorist. How could we allow them to organise an anti-Indian programme?” This indicates a complete lack of appreciation of the concept of academic freedom.
India is a vast country, and no one group can define what it means to be “nationalist” or “anti-national” is, in specific terms of positions to hold and causes to support. The country’s fabric is strong enough to accommodate a plurality of views. It is the attempt to suppress differing viewpoints that is genuinely damaging for the country’s democratic ethos. Further, we believe that creativity in all branches of knowledge – surely in the interest of our nation – finds highest expression in a milieu that does not put constraints on the freedom of thought.
It is ironic that this attempt to suppress dissent occurred at one of the country’s leading Universities. A University is a site where contesting ideas are explored and where students should be able to freely debate and discuss various views, including controversial ones, without the threat of state action.
Senior members of the government have aggressively targeted your students. The JNU administration should have protected its students against these attacks and charges that have also vitiated the police investigation. We are deeply disappointed that you have failed to carry out this responsibility.
We hope that you will take urgent corrective steps to ensure that the police releases the arrested students, and also to ensure that it drops the unsubstantiated charges against them. We also hope that, in the future, you will take steps to protect freedom of speech on the JNU campus.
The individuals listed here have signed this letter in their personal capacity. Institutional affiliations are listed for purposes of identification, and this letter does not indicate the official positions of these organisations. Names are arranged in alphabetical order.
Sl. | Name | Affiliation | Position |
1 | Aanayat Bhat | Indian Institute of Science,Bangalore | student |
2 | Abhijith M S | IIT Hyderabad | student |
3 | Abhik Jash | Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics | researcher |
4 | Abhishek Atreya | Physical Research Laboratory, Ahmedabad | researcher |
5 | Abhishek Dhar | International Centre for Theoretical Sciences | faculty |
6 | Abu Anand | Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore | student |
7 | Adhip Agarwala | Indian Institute of Science | researcher |
8 | Adway Mitra | Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore | researcher |
9 | Ajin K Prakash | Alpha College of Engineering | student |
10 | Ajit M. Srivastava | Institute of Physics, Bhubaneswar | faculty |
11 | Alok Laddha | Chennai Mathematical Institute, Chennai | faculty |
12 | Alok Tiwari | Indian Institute of Science | researcher |
13 | Alokmay Datta | Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics | faculty |
14 | Amar Sapra | Indian Institute of Management Bangalore | faculty |
15 | Amit Apte | International Centre for Theoretical Sciences | faculty |
16 | Amit Basole | Azim Premji University and UMass-Boston | faculty |
17 | Amit Gupta | Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore | researcher |
18 | Amit Singh | National Centre of Biological Sciences, TIFR, Bangalore | student |
19 | Amitabh Bhattacharya | Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay | faculty |
20 | Amitabh Joshi | Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research | faculty |
21 | Amitabha Bandyopadhyay | Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur | faculty |
22 | Amrita laha | Wildlife Institute of India | researcher |
23 | Anand I | National Institute of Technology Tiruchirapalli | researcher |
24 | Anand Sasidharan | Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore | student |
25 | Ananth Kamath | Indian Institute of Science | student |
26 | Ananthu James | Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scietific Research | researcher |
27 | Ananyo Maitra | LPTMS, France | researcher |
28 | Angelie Multani | Indian Institute of Technology Delhi | faculty |
29 | Anilkumar KV | Democratic Alliance for Knowledge Freedom | Member |
30 | Anindita Bera | University of Calcutta and Harish Chandra Research Institute | student |
31 | Anindita Bidisha Chatterjee | Wildlife Institute of India,Dehradun | researcher |
32 | Anindita Brahma | Indian Institute of Science | researcher |
33 | Anindita Mitra | University of Calcutta | faculty |
34 | Anindya Banerji | Jadavpur University, Kolkata | student |
35 | Anindya Bhattacharya | University of York | faculty |
36 | Anirban Mukhopadhyay | Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai | faculty |
37 | Anu Krishna | Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore | student |
38 | Anubha | Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore | faculty |
39 | Anupama Mahajan | National Institute of Advanced Studies, Bangalore | student |
40 | Anupama Potluri | University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad | faculty |
41 | Anupriya Chatterjee | University of Calcutta | faculty |
42 | Anwesa Bhattacharya | Indian Institute of Science | research associate |
43 | Apoorva Nagar | Indian Institute of Space Science & Technology, Trivandrum | faculty |
44 | Archisman Ghosh | International Centre for Theoretical Sciences of TIFR | researcher |
45 | Arijit Bishnu | Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata | faculty |
46 | Arijit Chatterjee | Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics | researcher |
47 | Aritra Bandyopadhyay | Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics | researcher |
48 | Arnab Kundu | Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics | faculty |
49 | Arnab Rai Choudhuri | Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore | faculty |
50 | Arpan Bhattacharyya | Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics | researcher |
51 | Arpan Maiti | Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics | researcher |
52 | Ashim Roy | Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics | researcher |
53 | Ashok Krishnan | Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore | researcher |
54 | Ashoke Sen | Harish-Chandra Research Institute | faculty |
55 | Ashvin Vishwanath | University of California, Berkeley | faculty |
56 | Asit K. De | SINP Kolkata | |
57 | Aslamuddin | TIFR-Hyderabad | student |
58 | Atish Dabholkar | International Center for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy | faculty |
59 | Atul Chokshi | Indian Institute of Science | faculty |
60 | Aurnab Ghose | Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER) Pune | faculty |
61 | Avishek Das | Indian Institute of Science | researcher |
62 | B Ananthanarayan | Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore | faculty |
63 | B.NIKHITH | Indian Institute of Technology, Hyderabad | student |
64 | Bhabani Deb | University of Calcutta | faculty |
65 | Bhanu Pratap Das | Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan | faculty |
66 | Bharathi Rajeswaran | Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore | researcher |
67 | Bhargav kumar | IIT Hyderabad | researcher |
68 | Bhavtosh Bansal | Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER) Kolkata | faculty |
69 | Bidisa Das | Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science | scientist |
70 | Bijoy John Mathew | Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Thiruvananthapuram | student |
71 | Bikram Phookun | St Stephen’s College, Delhi | faculty |
72 | Biman Nath | Raman Research Institute | faculty |
73 | Bindusar Sahoo | Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Thiruvananthapuram | faculty |
74 | Binu K Sasi | International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, Trieste, Italy | researcher |
75 | Bipin C M | Wildlife Institute of India | researcher |
76 | Birenjith P S | Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore | researcher |
77 | Biswajit Banerjee | Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics | researcher |
78 | Bittu Karthik | University of Hyderabad | faculty |
79 | Carol Upadhya | National Institute of Advanced Studies, Bangalore | faculty |
80 | Chandan Samanta | Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore | researcher |
81 | Chandana Anusha | Yale University | student |
82 | Chandra Kant Mishra | International Centre for Theoretical Sciences | researcher |
83 | Chandrashekar C M | The Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai | faculty |
84 | Chandrashekar K A | The Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai | researcher |
85 | Chetan Singh Solanki | Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay | faculty |
86 | Collins Assisi | Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Pune | faculty |
87 | D C V Mallik | Indian Institute of Astrophysics | faculty |
88 | D Parthasarathy | Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay | faculty |
89 | D.P.Sen Gupta | National Institute of Advanced Studies, Bangalore | |
90 | Daigy Varghese | IIT Hyderabad | student |
91 | Dattaraj Dhuri | Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai | researcher |
92 | Deb Sankar Banerjee | Raman Research Institute | student |
93 | Debabrata Phukon | Tezpur University | researcher |
94 | Debaditya Bhattacharya | University of Calcutta | faculty |
95 | Debadrita Ghosh | Raman Research Institute | student |
96 | Debarghya Banerjee | Leiden University, The Netherlands | researcher |
97 | Debasis Sengupta | Indian Institute of Science | faculty |
98 | Debraj Chakrabarti | Central Michigan University, Mt. Pleasant, MI, USA | faculty |
99 | Deepa Agashe | National Centre for Biological Sciences | faculty |
100 | Deepak DSouza | Indian Institute of Science Bangalore | faculty |
101 | Deepak Malghan | Indian Institute of Management Bangalore | faculty |
102 | Deya Das | Indian Institute of science | researcher |
103 | Dileep Jatkar | Harish-Chandra Research Institute, Allahabad | faculty |
104 | Dinesh Mohan | IIT Delhi | faculty |
105 | Dipankar | TREELabs, Mumbai | faculty |
106 | Diptarup nandi | Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore | student |
107 | Durga Bhavani S | University of Hyderabad | faculty |
108 | E. Arunan | Indian Institute of Science | faculty |
109 | Farhana Ibrahim | IIT, Delhi | faculty |
110 | Feroz Musthafa | Centre for Cellular and Molcular Platforms | other |
111 | G Vijay | University of Hyderabad | faculty |
112 | Gaiti Hasan | National Centre for Biological Sciences, Bangalore | faculty |
113 | Garga Chatterjee | Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata | faculty |
114 | Gaurav Mendiratta | Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore | student |
115 | Gautam Ganapathy | Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay | researcher |
116 | Geeta Mahashabde | All India Peoples Science Network | |
117 | Geetam tiwari | Indian Institute of Technology Delhi | faculty |
118 | Gitanjali Yadav | National Institute of Plant Genome Research, New Delhi | faculty |
119 | Govindarajan T R | Chennai Mathematical Institute, Chennai | |
120 | Gyan Bhanot | Rutgers University, USA | faculty |
121 | Haris Uzhunnan | Christ University, Bangalore | researcher |
122 | Harjinder Singh | Indian Institute of Information Technology | faculty |
123 | Himadri Shekhar Dhar | Harish-Chandra Research Institute, Allahabad | researcher |
124 | Hema Swaminathan | Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore | faculty |
125 | Hemant Belsare | IIT Bombay | researcher |
126 | Husna Jan | Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Trivandrum | student |
127 | Indrajit Tah | TIFR Centre for Interdisciplinary Sciences | researcher |
128 | Ishani Sinha | Centre for Ecological Sciences, IISc, Bangalore | researcher |
129 | Jayant Murthy | Indian Institute of Astrophysics | faculty |
130 | Jenny S | Tata Institute of Social Sciences | researcher |
131 | Jean Dreze | Ranchi University | faculty |
132 | Jishnu Sadasivan | Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore | student |
133 | Jishy Varghese | Indian Institute of Science, Education and Research,Thiruvananthapuram | faculty |
134 | Joby Joseph | University of Hyderabad | faculty |
135 | Joseph Samuel | Raman Research Institute | faculty |
136 | Jyoti Dalal | JNCASR, Bangalore | researcher |
137 | Jyotsna Jha | Center for Budget and Policy Studies | director |
138 | Kabir Husain | National Centre for Biological Sciences, TIFR, Bangalore | student |
139 | Kajari Gupta | IISER Pune | researcher |
140 | Kallol Paul | TIFR Centre for Interdisciplinary Sciences | researcher |
141 | Kannan U.M | Indian Institute of Technology, Hyderabad | researcher |
142 | Karan N. Khirade | Indian Institute of Technology, Hyderabad | researcher |
143 | Kaushik Bhattacharya | Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur | faculty |
144 | Kazi Rafsanjani Amin | Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore | researcher |
145 | Kesavan Subburam | TIFR Centre for Interdisciplinary Sciences | researcher |
146 | Koel Das | Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER) Kolkata | faculty |
147 | Koushik Dutta | Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics | faculty |
148 | Krishna Hanumanthu | Chennai Mathematical Institute | faculty |
149 | Krishna Maddaly | The Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai | faculty |
150 | Kritika Agarwal | Government Law College | student |
151 | Kunal Joshi | Ashoka University | faculty |
152 | Kuntal Ghosh | Indian Statistical Institute | faculty |
153 | Kunal Sengupta | University of Sydney | faculty |
154 | M. V. Ramana | Princeton University | faculty |
155 | M. Vijayabaskar | Madras Institute of Development Studies, chennai | faculty |
156 | Madan Rao | Raman Research Institute | faculty |
157 | Madhukar S | Raman Research Institute, Bangalore | student |
158 | Madhusudan Roy | Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics | faculty |
159 | Madhusudhan Raman | Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai | researcher |
160 | Madhusudhan Venkadesan | Yale University | faculty |
161 | Maitreyee Saha Sarkar | Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics | faculty |
162 | Malancha Ta | Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER) Kolkata | Faculty |
163 | Manjari Gupta | Indian Institute of Science | researcher |
164 | Manjari Roy | Wildlife Institute of India | researcher |
165 | Manoj Gopalkrishnan | Tata Institute of Fundamental Research | faculty |
166 | Manoj Kummini | Chennai Mathematical Institute | faculty |
167 | Manoj Puravankara | Tata Institute of Fundamental Research | faculty |
168 | Manuj Mukherjee | Indian Institute of Science | student |
169 | Mihir Pandey | Ramjas College (University of Delhi) | faculty |
170 | Mithun Kumar Mitra | Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay | faculty |
171 | Monisha Bhattacharya | National Centre for Biological Sciences, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research | researcher |
172 | Mrinmoy Mukherjee | TIFR Centre for Interdisciplinary Sciences | researcher |
173 | Mrunalini | IIT Hyderabad | researcher |
174 | Mugdha Sarkar | Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics | researcher |
175 | Myna V | Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore | researcher |
176 | N G Prasad | Indian Institute of Science Education and Resarch Mohali | faculty |
177 | N Purendra Prasad | University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad | faculty |
178 | N. Raghavendra | Harish-Chandra Research Institute | faculty |
179 | Nairit Sur | Tata Institute of Fundamental Research | researcher |
180 | Nairita Pal | Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore | student |
181 | Nandu Gopan | Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research | researcher |
182 | Naosad Alam | Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics | researcher |
183 | Narayanan Menon | TIFR, Hyderabad | faculty |
184 | Naresh Dadhich | IUCAA, Pune | faculty |
185 | Naveen Gaur | Dayal Singh College (University of Delhi) | faculty |
186 | Naveen Surendran | Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology, Thiru’puram | faculty |
187 | NC Narayanan | Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay | faculty |
188 | Neenu Suresh | National Law School of India University | researcher |
189 | Nihav Dhawale | National Center for Biological Sciences and Yale University | student |
190 | Nilanjan Sen | University of Calcutta | faculty |
191 | Nirmalendu Acharyya | Universite Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium | researcher |
192 | Niruj Ramanujam | National Centre for Radio Astrophysics, Pune | Scientific Officer |
193 | Nishaan Ponnuru | Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education | researcher |
194 | Nitin Rai | Ashoka Trust for Research in Ecology and the Environment | faculty |
195 | Oindrila Deb | Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore | researcher |
196 | Om Damani | Indian Institute of Technology Bombay | faculty |
197 | P Karuna Kumari | IIT Hyderabad | researcher |
198 | P.K Abdul Rahiman | University of Madras, Chennai | faculty |
199 | Palash Baran Pal | Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics | faculty |
200 | Papi Reddy | Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore | researcher |
201 | pappu acharya | TIFR Centre for Interdisciplinary Sciences | student |
202 | Parasar Mohanty | Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur | faculty |
203 | Parswa Nath | TIFR Centre for Interdisciplinary Sciences | junior research fellow |
204 | Partho Sarothi Ray | Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER) Kolkata | faculty |
205 | Pinaki Chaudhuri | The Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai | faculty |
206 | Pooja Prasad | Indian Institute of Technology Bombay | student |
207 | Prabaha Gangopadhyay | Indian Institute of Science | student |
208 | Prabhu R Nott | Indian Institute of Science | faculty |
209 | Prajval Shastri | Indian Institute of Astrophysics | faculty |
210 | Prajwel Joseph | Bishop Cotton W. C. C. Bangalore | faculty |
211 | Prokash Kumar Kundu | Indian Institute of Science | student |
212 | Prasanta Char | Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics | researcher |
213 | Prathik CJ | The Institute of Mathematical Sciences | student |
214 | Prathyusha K. R. | Universtiy of Dundee, United Kingdom | researcher |
215 | Pratik Majumdar | Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics | faculty |
216 | Pravabati Chingangbam | Indian Institute of Astrophysics, Bangalore | faculty |
217 | Praveen S | Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore | student |
218 | Preethi Meher | Indira Gandhi Center for Atomic Research Kalpakkam | researcher |
219 | Preeti Kharb | Indian Institute of Astrophysics, Bangalore | faculty |
220 | Pritha Chandra | Indian Institute of Technology Delhi | faculty |
221 | Priya Mahadevan | S.N.Bose Centre, Kolkata | faculty |
222 | Priyanka | Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scietific Research | researcher |
223 | Probal Dasgupta | Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata | faculty |
224 | Procheta Mallik | Innovation and Science Promotion Foundation | researcher |
225 | Proteep Mallik | Azim Premji University | faculty |
226 | R Jayasimha Reddy | IIT Hyderabad | student |
227 | R.VIMALAVIDYA | chennai | |
228 | Rafael Sorkin | Raman Research Institute | adjunt faculty |
229 | Raghunath J | Indian Institute of Science | student |
230 | Rahul De | Azim Premji University | faculty |
231 | Rahul De’ | Indian Institute of Management Bangalore | faculty |
232 | Rahul G R | Indian Institute of Science | student |
233 | Rahul Menon | St Xavier’s College, Mumbai | faculty |
234 | Rahul Pandey | Indian Institute of Management, Lucknow | visiting faculty |
235 | Rahul Siddharthan | The Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai | faculty |
236 | Rahul Singh | Indian Institute of Management Bangalore | student |
237 | Rahul Varman | IIT Kanpur | faculty |
238 | Raj Kumar Manna | IIT Madras | researcher |
239 | Rajani Raman | Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics | researcher |
240 | Rajdeep Sensarma | TIFR Mumbai | faculty |
241 | Rajesh Gopakumar | International Centre for Theoretical Sciences | faculty |
242 | Raktim Abir | Aligarh Muslim University | faculty |
243 | Ramray Bhat | Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore | faculty |
244 | Ranjini Bandyopadhyay | Raman Research Institute | faculty |
245 | Ranjith Kallyani | IIT Bombay | researcher |
246 | Ravi Kunjwal | The Institute of Mathematical Sciences | researcher |
247 | Ravi Sankannavar | Indian Institute of Technology Bombay | researcher |
248 | Ravinder K Banyal | Indian Institute of Astrophysics, Bangalore | researcher |
249 | Reetika Khera | IIT Delhi | faculty |
250 | Resmi Lekshmi | Indian Institute of Space Science & Technology, Trivandrum | faculty |
251 | Reuben George Stephen | National University of Singapore | student |
252 | Rituparno Mandal | Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore | researcher |
253 | Rolla Das | National Institute of Advanced Studies, Bangalore | researcher |
254 | Ron Sunny | IISER-Pune | researcher |
255 | S. Akshay | Indian Institute of Technology Bombay | faculty |
256 | S. M. Bhattacharjee | Institute of Physics, Bhubaneswar | faculty |
257 | S.B.Balaji | Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore | student |
258 | S. P. Venkata Subbaiah | IIT Hyderabad | Scholar |
259 | S. Sundar | Chennai Mathematical Institute | faculty |
260 | Sabhyasachi Chatterjee | All India Peoples Science Network | president |
261 | Sachin M | Dyal Singh College | faculty |
262 | Sachindeo Vaidya | Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore | faculty |
263 | Safiul Alam Mollick | Institute of Physics, Bhubaneswar | researcher |
264 | Saientan Bag | Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore | student |
265 | Saikat Ghosh | Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur | faculty |
266 | Sajad Ahmad Bhat | Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics | researcher |
267 | Sajad Ali | Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics | researcher |
268 | Saman Habib | Central Drug Research Institute, Lucknow | scientist |
269 | Sambo Sarkar | IIT HYDERABAD | student |
270 | Samriddhi Sankar Ray | International Centre for Theoretical Sciences | faculty |
271 | Sandeep Krishna | National Centre for Biological Sciences, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research | faculty |
272 | Sandesh Sanjay Gade | PES Institute of Technology – Bangalore South Campus | researcher |
273 | Sandip Varkey George | Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Pune | student |
274 | Sanjib Sabhapandit | Raman Research Institute | faculty |
275 | Sanjit Chatterjee | IISc | |
276 | Sankar Basu | Linkoping University, Sweden | researcher |
277 | Santanu Das | Raman Research Institute, Bangalore | student |
278 | Saswati Ganguly | HHU, Germany | researcher |
279 | Saswati Sengupta | Miranda House, University of Delhi | faculty |
280 | Satyajit Chowdhury | Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics | researcher |
281 | Satyaki Mazumder | Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER) Kolkata | faculty |
282 | Saumia P S | The Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai | researcher |
283 | Saurav Islam | Indian Institute of Science | student |
284 | Saurish Chakrabarty | International Centre for Theoretical Sciences | researcher |
285 | Savitha Suresh Babu | National Institute of Advanced Studies, Bangalore | student |
286 | Sayantani Bhattacharyya | Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur | faculty |
287 | Shaik Faruk Azam | University of Tokyo | student |
288 | Shan S | Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore | researcher |
289 | Shanthi S.K. | India Development Foundation, Gurgaon | faculty |
290 | Sharad Lele | Ashoka Trust for Research in Ecology and the Environment | faculty |
291 | Sharath Ananthamurthy | Bangalore University | faculty |
292 | Sharmila Purkayastha | Miranda House, University of Delhi | faculty |
293 | Shikha Bisht | Wildlife Institute of India | researcher |
294 | Shiraz Minwalla | Tata Institute of Fundamental Research | faculty |
295 | Shiva Shankar | Chennai Mathematical Institute | faculty |
296 | Shivali Tukdeo | National Institute of Advanced Studies, Bangalore | faculty |
297 | Shobha Madan | IIT Kanpur | faculty |
298 | Shubha Tewari | TIFR Centre for Interdisciplinary Sciences | faculty |
299 | Shweta Dalal | Indian Institute of Technology, Hyderabad | student |
300 | Siddharth K J | Indian Institute of Management Bangalore | student |
301 | Siddhartha Chaudhuri | Indian Institute of Technology Bombay | faculty |
302 | Sirisha Naidu | Wright Staet University, Dayton, Ohio | faculty |
303 | Sitabhra Sinha | The Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai | faculty |
304 | Sk Abdul faruque | Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics | researcher |
305 | Sk Raj Hossein | Raman Research Institute, Bangalore | student |
306 | Sk Sazim | Institute of Physics, Bhubaneswar | researcher |
307 | S.K.Venkatesan | TNQ Books and Journals Pvt. Ltd. | chief scientist |
308 | Smarajit Karmakar | TIFR Centre for Interdisciplinary Sciences, Hyderabad | faculty |
309 | Snehanshu Saha | PES University | faculty |
310 | Soling Zimik | Indian Institute of Science | researcher |
311 | Somyadip Thakur | TIFR | researcher |
312 | Soumitro Banerjee | IISER Kolkata | faculty |
313 | Soundarya Iyer | National Institute of Advanced Studies, Bangalore | student |
314 | Sourav Kumar Dey | Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics | researcher |
315 | Souvik Mandal | Indian Institute of Science | student |
316 | Spenta Wadia | International Centre for Theoretical Sciences of TIFR | faculty |
317 | Sreejani Sen Majumder | Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Kolkata | student |
318 | Sreekrishna Varma Raja | National Centre for Biological Sciences | student |
319 | Sridhar Narayanan | The Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai | researcher |
320 | Srikanth Sastry | Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research | faculty |
321 | Sruthi C K | JNCASR,Bangalore | student |
322 | Subhabrata Majumdar | Tata Institute of Fundamental Research | researcher |
323 | Subhadip Ghosh | Institute Of Physics, Bhubaneswar | researcher |
324 | Subham Rath | Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore | student |
325 | Subhankar Chakraborty | All India People’s Science Network | researcher |
326 | Subhashis Banerjee | IIT Delhi | faculty |
327 | Subhojoy Gupta | Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore | faculty |
328 | Subhradeep Mistry | Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore | researcher |
329 | Subhro Bhattacharjee | International Centre for Theoretical Sciences | faculty |
330 | Subramanya Hegde | IISER Thiruvananthapuram | student |
331 | Subroto Mukerjee | Indian Institute of Science | faculty |
332 | Suchetana Goswami | S. N. Bose National Centre for Basic Sciences, Kolkata | student |
333 | Sudakshina Ghosh | University of Calcutta | faculty |
334 | Sudip Banerjee | Wildlife Institute of India | researcher |
335 | Sudipto Muhuri | Department of Physics, Savitribai Phule Pune University | faculty |
336 | Suheel Mohammad | Indian Institute of Technology, Hyderabad | student |
337 | Suhita Nadkarni | Indian Institute of Science Education and Research | faculty |
338 | Sujay Basu | Jadavpur University | (Retd) Faculty |
339 | Sujay K Ashok | Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai | faculty |
340 | Sujith K. S. | IISER Thiruvananthapuram | student |
341 | Sumathi Rao | Harish-Chandra Research Institute | faculty |
342 | Sumati Surya | Raman Research Institute | faculty |
343 | Sumilan Banerjee | Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel | researcher |
344 | Sumit Haldar | Indian Institute of Science,Bangalore | researcher |
345 | Sumit Kumar | International Centre for Theoretical Sciences, TIFR | researcher |
346 | Sumit R. Das | University of Kentucky, USA | faculty |
347 | Sumithra Sankaran | Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore | student |
348 | Sundar S | Chennai mathematical institute | faculty |
349 | Sundar Sarukkai | Manipal University | faculty |
350 | Sunil Bharadwaj | JNCASR, Bangalore | student |
351 | Supratik Chakraborty | Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay | faculty |
352 | Supratim Sengupta | Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER) Kolkata | faculty |
353 | Surajit Sengupta | TIFR Centre for Interdisciplinary Sciences | faculty |
354 | Suresh Govindarajan | Indian Institute of Technology, Madras | faculty |
355 | Sushma Mallik | Indian Institute of Astrophysics, Bangalore | faculty |
356 | Sutirth Dey | IISER-Pune | faculty |
357 | Sutirtha Dutta | Wildlife Institute of India | researcher |
358 | Suvrat Raju | International Centre for Theoretical Sciences | faculty |
359 | Swagato Sanyal | Tata Institute of Fundamental Research | student |
360 | T. V. H. Prathamesh | Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai | researcher |
361 | Tarun Deep Saini | Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore | faculty |
362 | Trilochan Sastry | Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore | faculty |
363 | Triparno Bandyopadhyay | University of Calcutta | researcher |
364 | Tulasi Ram Reddy | Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore | researcher |
365 | Vaibhhav Sinha | National Centre for Biological Sciences | student |
366 | Vaisakh V | Indian Institute of Science | researcher |
367 | Varuni Prabhakar | Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai | researcher |
368 | Venu Madhav Govindu | Indian Institute of Science | faculty |
369 | Vijay Ravikumar | Chennai Mathematical Institute | researcher |
370 | Vijayakumar Solaiselvam | Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore | student |
371 | Vikram Vyas | St. Stephen’s College, Delhi University | faculty |
372 | Vinod John | Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore | faculty |
373 | Vipul Vivek | Tata Institute of Social Sciences | student |
374 | Vishaka Datta S | National Centre for Biological Sciences, Bangalore | student |
375 | Vishwesha Guttal | Indian Institute of Science | faculty |
376 | Vivek Monteiro | All India Peoples Science Network | |
377 | VVNS Pradeep | IIT Hyderabad | researcher |
378 | Yogeshwar Prasad | Indian Institute of Science | researcher |
379 | Zaheer Ahmed Sayeed | neurologist in Practise | faculty |