Space Submarines Will Allow Us to Explore the Seas of Icy Moons

We could be exploring the oceans of Jupiter’s and Saturn’s icy moons in a couple of decades. Unfortunately, we don’t know much about them.

Artist’s impression of a cryobot and submarine in the ice on Jupiter’s Europa. Credit: NASA/JPL

One of the most profound and exciting breakthroughs in planetary science in the last two decades has been the discovery of liquid methane lakes on the surface of Saturn’s largest moon Titan, and liquid oceans under the icy surfaces of many of the giant gas planets’ other moons. Thrillingly, some of these ‘waters’ may actually harbour life.

Unfortunately, we don’t know much about them. Probes such as Juno and Cassini can only get so close. Also, subsurface oceans can only be sensed indirectly. The European Space Agency’s Huygens probe did land on Titan in 2005, but on a solid surface rather than on liquid. So how can we explore these seas?

An exciting idea being explored is developing submarines to send through space to the moons. Over the next two years, NASA is devoting half a million dollars to researching the prospect of sending such a vehicle to Titan. But there are other studies out there, too – with targets including Jupiter’s Europa and Ganymede, and Saturn’s Enceladus. But are such missions actually within our technological reach?


The challenges of a Titan submarine

Kraken Mare is thought to be the largest sea on Titan with an area of 400,000 square kilometres – larger than Earth’s Caspian Sea. But it’s not made of water – we have good evidence that this is instead, a lake of methane, ethane and nitrogen.

Cassini radar image of the northern region of Kracken Mare on Titan showing the large island of Mayda Insula. Credit: NASA/Jet Propulsion Laboratory-Caltech/Agenzia Spaziale Italiana.

So what would a submarine on Titan look like? It turns out that a design like a traditional submarine, with a high ‘aspect ratio’ (ten times as long as it is wide), would minimise drag and could fit inside a launch vehicle. Most deep space missions operate autonomously and a submarine would be no different. However, they would have to go to the surface for periods of time. Radio and microwave signals get absorbed very quickly in oceans, so to send a signal back to Earth the antenna would have to be above the surface.

Another issue is electrical power – this obviously cannot be provided by solar panels as it is on many spacecraft. As part of a recent study, engineers investigated various alternatives, including compact nuclear reactors and fuel cells, but concluded these were too heavy. Instead, they proposed that electricity could be generated from the radioactive decay of plutonium – a technique similar to that powering Cassini.

Some of the shallow shorelines of Kraken Mare are only 30-40 metres deep but it is thought to be 150 metres at its deepest. As you dive down beneath the surface the pressure increases because of the weight of the liquid above. On Earth, you can feel this in your ears when swimming underwater. Methane is about four times as dense as water, but gravity on Titan is about seven times weaker than Earth, similar to our moon. So submarines diving down 150 meters on Titan don’t need to withstand the same pressure as they would on Earth.